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Apr 3, 2025 - Hope in the Era of Trump

When: April 3rd, 7pm

Douglas Roche is an author, parliamentarian, and diplomat who have devoted his 50-year public career to peace and human-security issues. His latest book is Keep Hope Alive (2nd ed.)

The Hon. Roche will address themes from his most recent book. He asks: What is the basis for hope concerning a more peaceful and sustainable world in this tumultuous time? |
Apr 3, 2025 - Book launch: Interrupting Innovation

When: April 3rd, 5:30pm
Where: 288 Church St, 7th floor

Join the co-editors Melanie Panitch, Samantha Webhi and Jessica Machado for the launch of Interrupting Innovation: Centring the Social. This launch will be facilitated by the executive director of the Centre for Social Innovation, Dr. Eliza Chandler. It will feature remarks from the dean of community services Kiaras Gharabaghi. | Facebook
Mar 31, 2025 - Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada's role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada's role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada's foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.
Mar 30, 2025 - Rally for Cuba

When: March 30th, 1pm
Where: 361 University Ave

Join our monthly protests to end the immoral US blockade and take Cuba off the US State Sponsors of Terrorism list.

Mar 30, 2025 - Palestine Land Day

When: March 30th, 1pm

Join us for a presentation and discussion with Palestinian and international political prisoner, land, and labour rights activists about the significance of Land Day commemorations for the Palestinian people, and its relevance in the context of the ongoing genocide

Land Day commemorates the events of March 30, 1976, when Israeli police killed 6 unarmed Palestinians who were protesting the theft of Palestinian land by the settler-colonial state of Israel in the Galilee region. Since then, March 30th - Land Day has become a central date in Palestinian collective memory of steadfastness and resistance to Israeli dispossession and brutality against Palestinians.
Mar 29, 2025 - Land Day 2025

When: March 29th, 2pm
Where: Yonge and Dundas

Yom al-Ard (يوم الأرض), or Land Day, recalls the events of March 30, 1967 when six unarmed Palestinians were killed during protests against Israel's theft of Palestinian land. Israel had ordered the confiscation of approximately 5,000 acres of land belonging to Palestinians in the Galilee. This was a step in Israel's plan to "Judiase Galilee" after the occupation of Palestine in 1948. Since then, March 30 has become a central date in the Palestinian collective memory, a memory of the 1976 land dispossessions and the brutality of the occupation's response to Palestinian resistance.
Mar 28, 2025 - Pedal Protest

When: Friday March 28th, 6pm
Where: Bloor and Spadina

Stop Bill 212 - Critical Mass

Please join this ride. It's an important moment to build on the growing groundswell of opposition to Ford's planned removal of sections of the Bloor, Yonge and University bike lanes. Hope to see you there!

Mar 28, 2025 - Toronto Queer Film Festival

When: March 28 to 30
Where: Tranzac Club, 292 Brunswick Ave

This year's theme, "For a Future to Believe In | Collective Resistance," responds to global and local variants of fascism and neo-colonialism, and their hastening of climate and social disintegration.

Our theme honours American and Turkish activist Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, whose belief in the interconnectedness of struggle led her to protest at both Standing Rock and in the West Bank. We take her words, "We are the fire....We are burning for a future to believe in" as a call to action.
Jan 6, 2025 - Fighting to Win

When: January 6 to March 31 (Mondays 6pm)
Where: Carrot Common (near Chester station)
No course fees; donations gratefully accepted.

Facilitated by John Clarke, former organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP)

Drawing on the examples provided by a wide range of struggles, the course will look at how working class and popular struggles have won important victories. It will also consider, however, the strategies that have been used by those in power to contain and demobilize social resistance. Finally, it will explore the approaches that are needed today to fight back effectively in these volatile and uncertain times.

Space in this course is limited, registration required.