CSJ Newsletter

November 14, 2024



We Need Healthcare for All

Many people in Ontario – such as those without permanent resident status – are unable to access healthcare. This has led to immense and preventable suffering, and strained our healthcare system as people delay seeking care until they are very sick.

During the pandemic, the province briefly introduced a stop-gap program to extend healthcare to uninsured people. This program was cruelly cut in March of 2023 with nothing in place, resulting in chaos, preventable illness and harm. Uninsured people who were part way through their serious treatments, such as cancer care, had their treatment abruptly cut. Without the ability to provide or access care, health providers and their patients are experiencing undue moral and mental stress. 

As an immediate measure, the province must restore this program. But truly universal healthcare is urgently needed. This means everyone living or working in Ontario should have equal access to the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP). 



The Eras Rally

When: November 14th, 3pm
Where: Fairmont Royal York Hotel, 100 Front St.

Cruel summer is over! Join us at 3pm this Thursday, at the Royal York Hotel on Front St. Hotels are charging Swift’s fans upwards of $2,000/night while @fairmontroyalyork workers live on 2021 wages in 2024! Join us in our fight for our fair share!


Arms Embargo NOW!

When: November 16th

On November 16th, communities from coast-to-coast will mobilize at the sites of the Canadian companies who are profiting off of the production and maintenance of F-35 fighter jets. F-35s are the most advanced warplane used by the Israeli Air Force in what is already the most destructive bombing campaign of the twenty-first century. These warplanes are a key tool of death and destruction in Gaza and now Lebanon, responsible for dropping 2000lb bombs on residential buildings, hospitals, and refugee camps. And every F-35 used by Israel includes millions of dollars of parts made in Canada – this is unconscionable!


Workers’ Bowl 24

When: November 16th, 12pm
Where: Rexdale Bowlerama

The Ontario Employment Education & Research Centre (OEERC) and the Workers’ Action Centre are hosting their 12th annual Workers’ Bowl (in-person) on Saturday, November 16, 2024!


Gaza Square

When: Every Sunday, 11am to 1pm
Where: 371 Wallace Ave

We’ll be at Gaza square once again this Sunday morning with hot chocolate and coffee, buttons and posters, lawn signs and colourful chalk! Come say hi and meet your fellow neighbours/organizers as we make our presence known and continue to build safety in our community!

Instagram poster

Book launch: Dangerous Memory

When: Sunday November 17th, 1pm
Where: Horseshoe Tavern

Dangerous Memory: Coming of Age in the Decade of Greed – National Book Launch by Charlie Angus.

Grievous Angels return to the Horseshoe Tavern.


Racial Justice Toronto Summit

When: Monday November 18th, 10am
Where: Member’s Lounge, Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St W

Join us for a day of impactful conversations and collaborative planning focused on advancing racial justice through improving City of Toronto’s existing strategies and identifying future direction. This summit aims to bring together racial justice advocates, activists, community leaders, policymakers, researchers and allies to address systemic racism faced by our children and work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all children. We are hoping to identify various strategies that can help reduce and ultimately eliminate various racial inequities and disparities faced by racialized children and youth. Don’t miss this chance to be part of this important initiative.


Weekly Phone-zap for Palestine

When: Mondays at 12:30pm

Week after week, we’re keeping the momentum going with our Monday lunchtime zaps.

Our collective action is making waves, but we need to ensure our elected officials continue to feel the pressure until real change happens.

Instagram poster | Register at zoom

Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Child and Family Poverty Report Cards

When: November 19th, 10am
Where: 355 Church Street (3rd Floor)

To mark the 35th anniversary of the all-party federal resolution to end child poverty, Social Planning Toronto and Ontario Campaign 2000: End Child and Family Poverty invite you to join a community launch of the 2024 Toronto and Ontario report cards on child and family poverty in Canada. Poverty is on the rise in Canada and the report cards are a call to action, united under the call that the time is now to act.

The launch will include presentations, guest speakers and facilitated dialogues. Refreshments and good conversation provided! Stay tuned for more information about speakers and programming.


Media Workers, Independent Journalism, and Palestine

When: November 19th, 7pm

Attacks on media workers and independent journalism in Palestine by the Israeli state have been widely reported and condemned by international human rights organizations. The killings, censorship, arrests, and ban on independent media reporting have severely restricted reporting on the war and presented a pro-Israeli slant in mainstream media newsrooms.

Journalists in Palestine and the broader Middle East face significant online harassment, threats, and smear campaigns when their work challenges mainstream narratives. The silencing of Palestinian voices and perspectives has created a media chill effect that will extend far beyond Gaza.


Trans Day of Remembrance

When: November 20th, 5:30pm
Where: Barbara Hall Park, 519 Church St.

The 519 commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Trans Day of Remembrance (TDoR). Join to honour the lives of the 2 Spirit, trans, and non-binary siblings we have lost to transphobia, hate crimes, illness, substance use, suicide, misogyny, institutional and legislative violence, and murder.


Labour Unions, Climate Action and Just Transition

When: November 21st, 2:30pm

Author Seth Klein will join us to discuss his book, A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency. He will be joined by autoworker and activist Rebecca Keetch from Green Jobs Oshawa, and John Clarke, past organizer with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty and author (with Sarah Glynn) of Climate Change is a Class Issue.

zoom.us | x.com

The Birds Shall Return

When: November 21st, 5pm, and Nov. 22nd
Two-Day admission: $15
One-Day admission: $10

In support of our people’s steadfastness in Gaza, and as part of our international fundraiser ‘The People Stand with Gaza’, we are announcing a two-day art fundraiser titled ‘The Birds Shall Return: The Spirit of Sumud & Return’ on November 21st and 22nd at Atelier Next Door.

Our people in Palestine continue to remain steadfast in the midst of ongoing Zionist aggression. Our role is to support our people’s sumud; honour our people’s martyrdom; and uplift our righteous cause. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go towards our $1,000,000 goal to provide essential services including shelter, food, clean water, medical and psychological aid, and children’s programming for our people in Gaza.


Surveilled and Silenced

When: Wednesday November 27th, 5:30pm
Where: 104 Scholars Walk, Room 140

Join to launch the Race Equity Caucus’ report “Surveilled & Silenced: A Report on Palestine Solidarity at York University”. Listen to a panel that outlines experiences and reflections on Anti-Palestinian Racism at York University and beyond. Speakers include Dania Majid (Arab Canadian Lawyers Association), Azeezah Kanji (legal academic and writer), Ayeda Khan (Palestine Solidarity Collective YorkU), Sanad Alajrami (Palestine Solidarity Collective YorkU), and members of the Race Equity Caucus.

Register by Nov 22


30 Jewish Organizations Support Francesca Albanese

As Jewish organizations and groups, we express our support for Francesca Albanese, the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories occupied since 1967. Ms. Albanese has been under relentless attack from politically motivated organizations like ‘UN Watch’, which have been waging toxic smear campaigns to silence her and to harm her human rights mandate. Those organizations have one objective: shielding the Israeli government from international criticism and legal accountability.

Source: The Bullet No. 3055

Silencing 101: Art College Bans Palestine Teach-in

By Judy Haiven

In 1887, the Victoria School of Art and Design in Halifax, NS, was the first art school established in the British Empire. Today, it is known as the Nova Scotia School of Art and Design (NSCAD), and it is doubtless the first art school to ban a two-day weekend teach-in which would feature academics speaking about what’s going on in Palestine. For weeks, NSCAD students and their student union, SUNSCAD, have been planning an information and action two-day event in support of Palestinian rights. The Al Zeitoun Weekend is named after the Al Zeitoun tent encampment at Dalhousie University that stood in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza from May to August 2024.

Source: The Bullet No. 3056

Citing Genocide Convention, Seven Lawyers Launch Historic Lawsuit Against Canada

In Ottawa, the Coalition for Canadian Accountability in Gaza discusses a recent court filing against Justice Minister Arif Virani. This action, led by the Legal Centre for Palestine and others, seeks to hold the Canadian government account for allegedly failing to uphold its international legal obligations as they relate to the ongoing violence in Gaza.

Source: LeftStreamed

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