CSJ Newsletter

October 3, 2024



Regularization for All

Don’t let PM Trudeau break his promise on regularization. Tell him to ensure equality and justice for all. Tell him to stand up to racism and discrimination. Ask him to improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people, for generations to come.

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Ten Days of Awe and Action

When: October 3rd to 12th

We have come together. We are organized. We will not stop organizing until we witness our collective liberation. The United Jewish People’s Order (UJPO), the Jews Say No to Genocide (JSNTG) coalition, Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), IfNotNow Toronto (INN-TO), Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ) Toronto, Tikkun Olam (Jewish Social Workers and Therapists for Social Justice), Jewish Faculty Network (JFN) – UofT Chapter, and World Beyond War have partnered to create 10 consecutive days of programming aptly named the 10 Days of Awe & Action.

The 10 Days of Awe & Action begin at the head of the new year and new moon, Rosh Hashonah and Rosh Chodesh, and provide an opportunity for deep introspection about the past year, urging us to rise as better people. We are asking for your action and to strengthen our social justice convictions together.


A History of the Bicycle and Its Riders

When: October 3rd, 6pm
Where: Runnymede Branch, Toronto Public Library, 2178 Bloor W

With author Albert Koehl. Wheeling through Toronto is a fascinating, fun, and thorough history of more than 100 years of biking in Toronto, revealing that a lot of the political battles around bike infrastructure we’re navigating today aren’t new at all.


Trojan Horse Tour

When: October 4th, 11:30am
Where: Queen’s Park

To protest the Ford government’s privatization of our public hospital services, the CUPE Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU-CUPE) and Ontario Health Coalition are kicking off a Trojan Horse tour this Friday at Queen’s Park, Toronto. The Ford government is privatizing surgeries by taking public funding and staff away from public hospitals to for-profit clinics which only makes wait times worse. Not only do these clinics cost more, but they illegally and unlawfully charge patients thousands of dollars for medically necessary care. To represent the false claim that privatizating surgeries will reduce wait times in public hospitals, a 15-foot replica of a Trojan Horse will travel around to media conferences around the province.

Facebook poster

Sisters in Spirit Vigil

When: Friday October 4th, 4pm
Where: Native Women’s Resource Centre, 191 Gerrard St E

Join NWRCT on October 4th, for the Sisters in Spirit vigil. We will honour and commemorate the lives of MMIWGT2S+ through daytime activities and an evening vigil. All are welcome to attend.


Justice for Palestine

When: October 5th, 1pm
Where: USW Hall, 25 Cecil St (Bus to Yonge/Dundas Sq at 2pm)

Join the United Steelworkers, and Labour for Palestine for the Labour Solidarity Contingent as part of the International Day of Action for Palestine.

Facebook | x.com | instagram.com

Organizing for Education

When: Saturday, October 5th, 3pm
Where: 1482 Bathurst St, 4th Floor

For adult learners, seniors, parents and caregivers or anyone who has a vested interest in upholding our publicly-funded education, please consider attending this meeting. It will be hosted by Fund Our Schools, Toronto Schools Caregiver Coalition and Ontario Autism Coalition.


Gaza Square

When: Every Sunday, 11am to 1pm
Where: 371 Wallace Ave

We’ll be at Gaza square once again this Sunday morning with hot chocolate and coffee, buttons and posters, lawn signs and colourful chalk! Come say hi and meet your fellow neighbours/organizers as we make our presence known and continue to build safety in our community!

Instagram poster

Weekly Phone-zap for Palestine

When: Mondays at 12:30pm

Week after week, we’re keeping the momentum going with our Monday lunchtime zaps.

Our collective action is making waves, but we need to ensure our elected officials continue to feel the pressure until real change happens.

Instagram poster | Register at zoom

Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


12 Hours of Grieving for 12 Months of Genocide

When: Tuesday, October 8th, 8am-8pm
Where: Nathan Phillips Square

Join us October 8th from 8am-8pm to hold space for the immense grief and rage brought by 12 months and over 76 years of ongoing genocide and occupation in Palestine. This gathering is a space to collectively mourn, centering Palestinians and the fight for Palestinian liberation, while challenging the false divisions between “here” and “there.” Our struggles are bound together and our freedom is intertwined.


Saving our Local Hospitals

When: October 8th, 3pm

In response to unprecedented closures of emergency departments and other local hospital services, the Ontario Health Coalition has been holding public hearings across Ontario to develop recommendations for the future of our local hospitals, with a focus on small and rural hospitals.


Dollars & sense on for-profit surgeries

When: October 8th, 8pm

From coast to coast, provinces are increasingly outsourcing elective surgeries to private, for-profit clinics. However, evidence from across the country is increasingly showing that relying on for-profit care to reduce wait times and control costs may, in fact, be doing the opposite.

We’re thrilled to welcome Dr. Robert Campbell, Rebecca Graff-McRae, and Andrew Longhurst as our esteemed panellists for the discussion. Dr. Danyaal Raza, CDM’s Past Chair, will moderate the discussion.


Liberating land from ecocide

When: October 9th, 6pm
Where: 45 Willcocks St

Screening of the documentary “An Island and One Night” (“Une Ile et une nuit”) – first time viewing in Toronto!


Nuclear Energy?

When: Oct. 10th, 7pm

More Nuclear in Canada’s Energy Future?



“Post Growth” – Why and How?

By Michael Albert

People against destroying our planetary home often favor “No Growth” – “steady as she goes” – or even the rhetorically catchier “DeGrowth” – “shrink baby shrink.” Their pro-growth opponents sometimes say, “grow baby grow,” or more pointedly, “drill baby drill.” But if you asked me, “where do you stand vis-à-vis growth? Give yourself a really short label that includes the word growth.” I would reply, “I favor what I think most degrowthers and no-growthers also favor and what many pro-growthers oppose. That is, I am for “post-growth” or, to clarify, I am for good growth and against bad growth.

Source: The Bullet No. 3044

150 Years of Canadian Colonization

Arthur Manuel (1951 – 2017) was a Secwepemc-Ktunaca activist. He discusses colonization in Canada and how this systemically impoverished Indigenous Peoples for generations. If Canada is going to renew its relationship with Indigenous Peoples it must recognize the colonial relationship it has with Indigenous Peoples. Canada must recognize that this colonial relationship gives Indigenous Peoples the right to self-determination. This will become clearer when Canada celebrates 150 years of its settler colonial relationship with Britain in 2017.

Source: LeftStreamed

The Gaza Genocide and the Canadian Left

By Niko Block

Four years ago, the Socialist Project published a pamphlet called Palestine and the COVID Crisis. In it, we published two authors from Gaza: Asmaa Tayeh and Sarah Algherbawi. We believe that both are alive at the time of this writing, but their lives have been altered in ways that – despite their vivid dispatches and the imagery emerging from Gaza – are difficult to fathom.

Source: The Bullet No. 3045

Book Launch: Shifting Gears – Canadian Autoworkers

In the decades following the Second World War, autoworkers were at the forefront of the labour movement. Their union mobilized members to rally in the streets for social change and make their voices heard at election time. But by the turn of this century, the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW) union had begun to pursue a more defensive political direction.

Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage draw on primary sources and in-depth interviews with politicians, union leaders, staff, and activists to explain how and why the union shifted its political tactics. Their critical perspective on the state of working-class politics highlights the challenges faced by unions in a changing economic and political landscape.

Source: LeftStreamed

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