Stop For-Profit Healthcare

Ontario patients can’t take another 4 years of healthcare cuts, closures, shortages and privatization.
Don’t believe what they say — look at their actual record.
Fund Our Schools
When: Thursday, February 13th, 10am
Where: OPSEU Office, 31 Wellesley St E
With Election Day quickly approaching in Ontario, the Fund Our Schools campaign will hold a press conference to demand the Ford Government stop the underfunding of our public schools. Featuring representatives from the Elementary Teachers of Toronto, OSSTF Toronto, Ontario Autism Coalition, and more, the coalition will present its list of demands to strengthen publicly-funded education in the province.
What’s Labour Got To Do With Palestine?
When: Thursday February 13th, 6pm
In recent years, global union leaders have affirmed their support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people. Scores of unions and labour federations have endorsed BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) as a key form of solidarity with Palestinian workers. Unions in Canada, the United States and around the world called for a ceasefire in Gaza. Some unions have taken direct action, such as refusing to handle military equipment, in efforts to stop arms exports to Israel. In response, conservative critics have asked, “What’s labour got to do with Palestine?” Some in the labour movement have called for unions to stick to the bread-and-butter issues of wages and working conditions.
Through the lens of Israel-Palestine, this webinar explores the past, present and future of labour internationalism and union influence on matters of foreign policy.
Vote to Secure Our Future
When: February 13th, 7pm
With an Ontario election looming, we all need to understand the critical election issues that affect us most! How will your vote affect your cost of living, health, housing and insurance, access to food, and more? Find out by joining this special pre-election OCEC non-partisan webinar. You will hear about important platform policies of each party, and an expert panelists’ discussion of the real-life impacts of these policies on you and your loved ones. Put your questions directly to our panelists during the Q+A to follow.
20th Annual Strawberry Ceremony
When: February 14th, 12:30pm
Where: 40 College St
Join us to mark the 20th year that we hold ceremony at Toronto Police Headquarters for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, Trans and Two-Spirit people (MMIWGT2S) and the passing of beloved Elder Wanda Whitebird who led this event for 19 years.
Stand Against Trump’s Ethnic Cleansing
When: Saturday, February 15th, 2pm
Where: US Consulate, 360 University. Ave
During the Bilateral meeting held between President Trump and the Jordanian King Abdullah II, Trump revealed his plans to displace Gazans from their land forcibly. When a reporter asked, “Under what authority- it is a sovereign territory?” Trump said, “Under the U.S. authority”.
This is a blatant declaration of the United States’ intention to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip and its people. Gaza belongs to its people, and no foreign colonial regime can ever change that. As Arab nations, it is Jordan and Egypt’s duty to thwart Trump’s genocidal plan. We, as Palestine’s diaspora and her allies, firmly reject this act of war, and we call upon the city of Toronto and its people to gather on Saturday in front of the US. Consulate to declare our stance.
Film screening: My Friend the Terrorist
When: February 15th, 2:30pm
Where: Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave
Tickets: $15
For the first 25 years of his adult life Jose Maria Sison was known to various degrees as the Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, and Che Guevara of the Philippines. For the last 35 years of his life he has been living in exile, 10,000 km away from the bustle, the intrigue, the bribery and the squalor of Manila, in the tranquil medieval city of Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Cafe Cuba
When: February 15th, 2:30pm
Where: 290 Danforth Ave
Public meeting and fundraiser for the Che Guevara Brigade scholarship. Guest speaker: Joe Pateman (York Univ).
facebook poster
Film screening: Sudan, Remember Us
When: February 15th, 6pm
Where: Innis Town Hall, 2 Sussex Ave
Tickets: $15
The Sudanese Students Union, with the support of Innis College, proudly present the first screening of the highly acclaimed documentary Sudan, Remember Us, following its debut at the Toronto International Film Festival last Fall.
The Corporate Coup in Global Context
When: Monday February 17th, 5pm
Join Naomi Klein, Chenjerai Kumanyika, Astra Taylor, and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor for an emergency town hall on the accelerating corporate dominance of our lives and societies.
From Elon Musk’s hostile takeover of core government functions, to the Trump family’s vision for remaking Gaza into another Dubai, we are witnessing the extension of corporate power across the globe at an unprecedented pace. Tune in for a discussion of what we must do to resist the shock and awe politics of the far right and their billionaire enthusiasts.
Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm
Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.
Book launch: Against the People
When: Tuesday February 18th, 7pm
Where: CSI Annex, 720 Bathurst St
The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is thrilled to host the official launch of the new book
Against the People: How Ford Nation is Dismantling Ontario, with editors Bryan Evans and Carlo Fanelli.
The election of the Doug Ford–led Progressive Conservatives unleashed an aggressive and undisguised market fundamentalism. Ford’s government has taken the assault against the social welfare state, labour and environmental protections to new and unprecedented heights. Maintaining a permanent era of austerity has not only steadily reduced the public sector as a proportion of the provincial economy but has also reduced the social protections available to Ontarians.
Rally to Open the Crosstown
When: Wednesday, February 19th, 5pm
Where: Yonge and Eglinton
Transit riders will hold a rally to call for answers about why the provincially-owned Eglinton Crosstown and Finch West LRTs are not open and seek commitments from all provincial parties to permanently fund the operating costs of new LRTs, clear the TTC’s repair backlog, and give the TTC back control to run Toronto transit projects.
ttcriders.ca |
Winning Healthcare for All
When: February 19th, 6pm
Is extending public healthcare coverage to everyone, regardless of immigration status realistic?
Join us for this online forum to hear from advocates from California who have successfully campaigned to win healthcare for all, regardless of immigration status!
Book launch: The Left in Power: Bob Rae’s NDP and the Working Class
When: Wednesday, February 19th, 7pm
Where: Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St
Join author Steven High and special guests for the launch of
The Left in Power: Bob Rae’s NDP and the Working Class.
Based on extensive archival research and interviews with NDP politicians, senior economic policy advisors, and trade unionists,
The Left in Power examines the response of the political Left in Ontario to the crisis that gripped the old ‘industrialized world.’
9th Annual Graduate Student Symposium
When: February 20-21
Where: York University and Online
The GLRC is pleased to announce its upcoming 9th annual Graduate Student Symposium: Critical Conversations in Work and Labour. This conference is designed to showcase the scholarship of new voices in labour studies across a diverse range of disciplines. It is our hope that the workshop will provide an interdisciplinary venue for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to share their research in a collaborative and supportive environment.
Neocolonialism Today
When: February 20th, 6:30pm
Colonialism is often thought to be part of a distant history. However, it continues to play out today globally, and right here at home.
Join Labour Community Services and Toronto Community Benefits Network as they host this year’s Black History Month panel, which will focus on the continued effects of colonialism (racism, systemic inequity and social injustice), and discuss what can be done to challenge the status quo.
Lessons from the US Labor Party for Working-Class Politics Today
When: Thursday, February 20th, 8pm
Following the Democratic Party’s 2024 loss – made possible by the Democrats’ longer-term abandonment of their working-class base in favor of “moderate” wealthy suburbanites and Wall Street financiers – it’s worth returning to the experience of the US Labor Party in the 1990s.
The limits of that effort are well know; most obviously, there’s no Labor Party today. But it is equally clear that failing to develop a working-class alternative to the Democratic Party will only result in workers continuing to drift into the arms of an ascendent right-wing MAGA politics. A new approach to labor left politics is desperately needed.
May Day Brigade
When: April 25 to May 10
Where: Cuba
Please accept our warmest greetings from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), a social organization that contributes to the strengthening, mobilization and unity of the International Solidarity Movement in defense of the Cuban Revolution and for friendship, peace, sovereignty and the just causes of the people.
From ICAP, motivated by the celebration of the 65th anniversary of its founding, we invite you to participate in the 18th International May Day Brigade of Voluntary Work, which will take place from April 25 to May 10, 2025.
Let us celebrate together the days of International Workers’ Day! The Cuban workers’ movement, which has a long tradition of struggle and combativeness, will welcome you in their workplaces and communities to discuss the main challenges that face the working class worldwide.
Openings and Closures: Socialist Strategy at a Crossroads

Edited by Greg Albo and Stephen Maher
Socialists are at a crossroads, facing the return of Donald Trump to the presidency of the American empire, concerned by planetary warming if previous commitments to phase out fossil fuels are dashed, and seeing neoliberalism’s inability to provide a humane framework for macroeconomic stability, ideological legitimacy or global political order. What can the left carry forward from recent strategies, tactics and organizations that, not so long ago, seemed so promising? Is the left starting over, or moving on?
Socialist Register 2025
International Solidarity with Palestinians

We, the Representatives from the Governments of Belize, Plurinational State of Bolivia, Republic of Colombia, Republic of Cuba, Republic of Honduras, Malaysia, Republic of Namibia, Republic of Senegal and Republic of South Africa in The Hague, Netherlands, on this 31st day of January 2025, inaugurate The Hague Group; Guided by the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, and the responsibility of all nations to uphold the inalienable rights, including the right to self-determination, that it enshrines for all peoples…
The Bullet No. 3094
Trump’s Threats Expose Canada’s Utter Dependency On The US

Sam Gindin interviewed by Adam D.K. King
United States President Donald Trump’s tariffs against Canada are understandably causing much consternation and debate. Some business leaders are forecasting dire warnings, union officials are calling for retaliation and relief while also sidling up with their corporate counterparts to present a united front. But these developments are about much more than tariffs. Trump’s tariff plan exposes the perils of Canada’s dependency on the US and the price of integration within the American Empire.
The Bullet No. 3095
The Ontario Healthcare Crisis

By Michael Hurley and Doug Allan
Ontario is experiencing unprecedented hospital capacity problems in recent years. Thousands of unplanned closures of hospital emergency departments, permanent closures of some hospital facilities, unprecedented levels of inpatients being treated in hallways, long waits to gain admission into hospitals, and high bed occupancy levels are just some of the key problems undermining Ontario hospitals.
The Bullet No. 3096
MiningWatch is hiring
MiningWatch seeks a highly skilled and motivated Fundraiser with a strong background in grant writing. The successful candidate will be instrumental in advancing the mission of MiningWatch by developing high-quality, compelling grant applications to various funding agencies, identifying new funding opportunities, and building relationships with donors. MiningWatch has a small team with a shared management model. The position will report to the co-management team.
Term: Temporary, 12-month contract, part-time (flexible schedule based on workload, up to 20 hours/week)
Location: Applicants must reside in the Toronto-Ottawa-Montreal-Quebec City corridor
Compensation: We offer a competitive salary of $40/hr plus a generous health benefits package