CSJ Newsletter

March 25, 2021


Support our elderly in long-term care

Join us in calling on the federal government to bring homes into public hands, provide a coordinated seniors’ care strategy to be implemented in all provinces and territories, and ensure all seniors’ home workers have all the support, tools and equipment they need.


Inquiry into discrimination against the elderly

Support the call to conduct an inquiry into discrimination against the elderly in health care in Ontario:

Dear Commissioner,

I was very happy to see the call for an investigation into systemic discrimination in hospitals and long-term care homes against the elderly by the Ontario Health Coalition, the Advocacy Centre for the Elderly and the Canadian Union of Public Employees. The withholding of vital health services based on age is absolutely disgraceful.



Drop-in Hour : Story Circles

When: Thursday March 25th, 12pm

TTC is creating a new fare plan. Drop by on Zoom to chat with TTCriders members and volunteers about the following:

– how to get involved with our Fair Fares Project,
– updates on our survey and story circles.


Robert Hunter Memorial Lecture 2021: Avi Lewis

When: March 25th, 4pm

Join us for an in-depth conversation with Avi Lewis, strategic director and co-founder of the Leap. A Q & A session will follow.

Avi Lewis is a documentary filmmaker, journalist, activist and one of the leading advocates of the Leap Manifesto since its inception in 2015. In 2008 Avi co-created and became the longtime host of Al Jazeera English Television’s Fault Lines, an acclaimed weekly documentary series. He is the Strategic Director and Co-Founder of the Leap, an organization launched in 2017 to upend our collective response to the crises of climate, inequality and racism.


Speakers Series Relaunch – Tenant Organizing

When: March 25th, 7pm

OCAP is relaunching their monthly Speaker Series and it kicks off this coming Thursday, March 25th at 7pm with a talk including special guests, members of Parkdale Organize, People’s Defence, and Inglewood Rooming House on Tenant Organizing.

ocap.ca | zoom.us

Support locked out brewery workers!

When: Saturday March 27th, 10am
Where: 33 Carlingview Dr, Etobicoke

Molson Breweries, part of a big multinational corporation, is trying to push concessions onto 300 brewery workers in Toronto.

They are attacking workers’ pensions, pushing two-tier wages and hiring scabs.

Faceboook event

Land Day 2021

When: March 27pm, 1pm

Conversation with Sabri Jiryis & Jonathan Kuttab.

The Palestinian people’s future within the Ongoing Zionist Settler-colonial and Apartheid Project.

– Moderator: Aseel al Bajeh, LLM, legal researcher and advocacy officer at Al-Haq
– Sabri Jiryis, lawyer, former director of Palestine Research Center, author including The Arabs in Israel (1966), and A History of Zionism (1977)
– Jonathan Kuttab, international human rights lawyer, co-founder of Al-Haq, author of Beyond the Two State Solution (2020)


Grassy Narrows Campaign Launch

When: Saturday March 27th, 2pm

Grassy Narrows has turned a decades-long injustice into a national issue that can’t be ignored.

Join Grassy Narrows leaders along with Leanne Simpson and Tanya Talaga to speak out on Zoom.


Worldwide Caravan against the Cuban Blockade

When: Sunday March 28th, 12pm
Where: LCBO, 2 Cooper St.

Caravan of Juan Gualberto Gómez Asociación of Cuban Residents in Toronto and Friends of Cuba against the blockade.

Facebook event

Rally Against Anti-Asian Hate

When: Sunday March 28th, 2pm
Where: Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St W.

Join us this Sunday as we stand in solidarity with the Canadian Asian Community! Please wear a mask and practice physical distancing.

Facebook event | instagram.com

Book Launch: Rising Up: The Fight for Living Wage Work in Canada

When: March 29th, 1pm

Canada has one of the highest rates of low-wage work among advanced industrial economies. In a labour market characterized by the ongoing fallout from COVID-19, deepening income inequality, increasingly uncertain job tenure, and weakened union representation, the living wage movement offers a response. Contributors to this collection of essays examine union- and community-based approaches to organizing in marginalized communities, the role of social reproduction, migrant labour, and media (mis)representations, among other key topics.

Participants include: Bryan Evans, Carlo Fanelli, David Goutor, Kendall Hammond, Mary-Dan Johnston, Biko Koenig, and more…


Gig Workers United Beyond Borders

When: March 30th, 2:30pm

A conversation between app-based worker organizers from Toronto, California, New York, U.K, Norway, Denmark, Italy and Australia.

Gig workers are organizing all over the world. Join us as we share front-line stories and discuss gig workers’ strategies in fighting back globally to fix the gig economy.

Now is a vital time for organizing. Couriers, app-based workers, gig workers – have been working through the pandemic for more than a year, facing increased health and safety risks, while deemed as essential. While our employers create astounding wealth for their CEO’s and investors, many of us are struggling to make ends meet.



Is Inflation a Threat?

By Andrew Jackson

Many conservative economists and policy-makers, not least the C. D. Howe Institute and its corporate allies, are sounding the alarm about potential inflation in the opinion pages of the Globe and Mail and the National Post. The basic line of argument is that recovery from the pandemic caused downturn could well be much faster than anticipated, partly because many households are sitting on a lot of savings which they will spend as the economy returns to normal, and partly because the recession has reduced the capacity of the economy in some key sectors as small firms have gone out of business. The other key factor is that high levels of public spending are supposedly threatening to over stimulate the economy.

Source: The Bullet No. 2334

The Struggle for Water Justice is a Struggle for Gender and Racial Justice

By Susan Spronk

COVID-19 has exposed deep, structural inequalities in the world today along the lines of class, gender and race – between well-resourced and precarious workers, women and men, racialized and non-racialized people. The lenses of gender justice and environmental racism help us understand how the inter-related histories of colonialism and capitalism have created the unequal world that we live in, entrenching inequalities in the built environment as clearly evidenced by access to water and sanitation. The pandemic also creates an opportunity to refocus efforts on Universal Basic Services as one way to exit this crisis.

Source: The Bullet No. 2335

Biden Continues the US Conflict With China Through the Quad

By Vijay Prashad

On March 12, the heads of government of four countries, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, and the United States President Joe Biden, met for a virtual meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, better known as the Quad. Modi’s opening remarks illustrate the emptiness of the public agenda; he called the Quad “a force for global good” with no details beyond a list of areas of collaboration (“vaccines, climate change and emerging technologies”). There was no direct mention of China during the meeting.

Source: The Bullet No. 2336

Reform of Quebec’s Workplace Health-and-Safety Regime

By David Mandel

Last January, the Institut national de santé publique du Québec (INSPQ – National Institute of Public Health) published a report on non-traumatic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). These are pains and other symptoms that affect muscles, tendons, joints and other tissues in the back, neck and other members. Some examples are tendinitis, bursitis, back pains, carpal tunnel syndrome. Their causes are bad posture, excessive loads, repetitive tasks, as well as psychological demands related to work.

Source: The Bullet No. 2337

Voices Beyond Borders: A Poetic and Musical Tribute to Paul Robeson

An evening of poetry and music to commemorate Paul Robeson’s fight against racism and contribution to workers’ internationalism. In celebration of Black History Month, featuring presentations/performances by George Elliot Clarke, Lillian Allen, Evie Shockley, Michael Fraser, Honey Novick, Jim Phelan, and Giovanna Riccio.

Source: LeftStreamed


Property Asset Manager

We are seeking a Property Asset Manager to plan, implement and administer capital repairs projects, asset transfers, and related financing for our small but quickly growing portfolio of small rental buildings and homes. These tasks are key to the effective stewardship of the land trust’s growing portfolio of community owned assets.

Deadline: March 29th, 2021 at 5:00 pm EST.


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